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To know and understand perceptions of time and life experiences increases the nurse’s abilities to meet the needs of patients.
“The nurse’s perception of patients is a major factor in determining the quality and quantity of nursing care she will render each patient”
If nurses perceive patients as illnesses,tasks, or sets of stereotype characteristics,their focus in care is (institutional) rather than person-centered.
As patients become a “chore and a task, the nurse withdraws and directs her energy toward meeting institutional needs” and patients experience anger, irritability, tension, restlessness, sadness, depression, hopelessness, apathy, and transient somatic symptoms.
An individual’s socioeconomic status affects the level of dehumanization a person is subjected to.
“The quality of nursing care given any patient is determined by the nurses’ beliefs about illness, suffering, and death”.
“The spiritual values of the nurse or her philosophical beliefs about illness and suffering will determine the extent to which she will be able to help patients find meaning (or no meaning) in these situations”.
Nurses are able to empathize with patients who are similar to themselves.
Experience of illness affects, to a varying degree, all those associated with the patient, and subsequently affects the patient’s perception of the experience.
There is a direct relationship between caring and suffering; the more a person cares and is attached to an object or a person, the more the person suffers when that object or person is lost.
Responses to pain are influenced by cultural background of the person, philosophical premises,spirituality, level of anxiety, and responses of others to the person in pain.
Identify the properties of hope, determinants of hope and hopelessness.
There is a direct relationship between the extent to which the individual’s need for cognitive clarity and security are met and the individual’s anxiety level.تحصیلات%20تکمیلی/__Theoretical_Nursing__Development_and_Progresss.pd1f.pdf
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