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Iris Sabale

Contemplation to four major concepts (Travelvee’s Human to Human Relationship Model)


 Human being has a distinct characteristic; he/she does exist and evolve in a cycle of life, which corresponds to change. We do have needs to be met. Patients and health care professionals are the same in several factors such as their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Health care practices may not be considered as the same as an administrative task. Correcting and modifying errors are not always feasible and will have the guarantee of no threat or no harm to patients. The responsibilities behind those means of approaching patients; identifying problems; plan for management and providing health care services from admission until discharge, are the reality that healthcare professionals should always correlate their actions similar to their approach of caring themselves and their lives.


Health is a state of well being, it is meeting the standards of wellness or a condition of being free from diseases. We perceive the status being healthy, and freed our entire body from any causes of illnesses.


Life experiences and human condition are bound with illness, suffering; pain and hope according to Travelvee. Life is a process; human commonly experiences those factors. Any disequilibrium could fall or push a person to any of those factors from which the transition happens.


Nursing is defined as the holistic involvement in the process of care. It is the way on how an individual, family and community are united to cope to certain diseases through reflecting from the experience, defining the causes of the problem and value the importance of learning.

 Human-to-Human Relationship Model

 *Phases are in consecutive and developmental process.

Phases of the Nurse –Patient Relationship

The phases of the Nurse-Patient Relationship is closer to the nurse client interaction. Nurses do take the initial step on how to establish rapport by greeting the patient and conduct the initial assessment through subjective cues.

The emerging identities will be the beginning of the relationship. Nurse and patient do recognizes the individuality as they exchange the questions and continue the conversation, they will have time to share those experiences and develop the ability of knowing each other better.

The interpersonal relationships which go further than empathy will let the nurses be involved in the process of planning to alleviate pain and suffering. With all the gathered information’s about the patient, the Nurse as an individual who possesses the knowledge and skills will identify ways or process on how to alleviate the suffering of his/her patient.

The relationship to my profession

The human-to-human relationship model of nursing is continuously being practice by me. From the time I just started learning to interact with the patient, I was able learn those ways on how to get adjusted from their different perception and beliefs. The process of developing trust and also acknowledging the efforts of every patient will promote a sense of well being. The respect uttered by nurses to every patient will improve motivation and encourage participation in the entire process of care.

The clinical experience I have, being a staff nurse brought a great foundation in my nursing practice. Being a nurse reliever I was assigned to different department where you could encounter numerous cases (such as emergency; medical; obstetrics; pediatric; surgical etc.) and unusual scenario which could make you more flexible knowing your patients case; how to interact with them; how to formulate a plan of action; and to be sensitive to what they need and what they expect from you as a health care provider. 

In my current role being a leader and responsible in promoting quality improvement in the hospital I take pride in being able to practice human to human relationship. From orientation; skills enhancement program; quality improvement plan; patient safety programs; trainings and performance appraisal etc., the efforts and the contributions of the entire team in promoting quality will sustain an excellent service provided by the employees and it will also promote an individual career growth.

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