Other Applications
Nursing Practice
Her theory is often cited in support of the nurse's role in interpersonal relationships with patients to understand their suffering, in exploring the definitions and meanings in the concept of "hope" and in the therapeutic use of self. Her existentially based ideas about the interpersonal relationship have alaso been used as providing a humane perspective in developing models for electronic patient records or in strategies for treating adults with depression.
The hospice is one good example in which Travelbee’s theory is applied. The hospice nurse attempts to build rapport or a working relationship with the patient, as well as with his significant others. She stated that understanding illness and suffering enables the patient not only to accept the sickness, but also to use it as self-actualizing life experience. A sick person’s insight of worthlessness in his or her sickness leads to non-acceptance of his condition and the great possibility to lose hope. A hospice nurse believes that the dying person must find meaning in his or her death before he or she can ever begin to accept the actuality of death, just as his or her loved one must find meaning in death before they can complete the grieving process.
Nursing Education
Travelbee’s concepts served as better assistance for nurses who help individuals understand the meaning of illness and suffering. Travelbee’s second book, Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: Process in the One-to-One Relationship, has been used in different nursing programs. According to Travelbee’s model, courses in philosophy and religion would also be helpful in preparing nursing students to fulfill the purpose of nursing sufficiently.
Travelbee indicated that the University of Mississippi School of Nursing in Jackson was beginning to modify its curriculum to use her theory.
http://snm.kmu.ac.ir/Images/UserUpload/Document/SNM/تحصیلات%20تکمیلی/__Theoretical_Nursing__Development_and_Progresss.pd1f.pdf style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.231;">
Nursing Research
Numerous researches in research studies have cited some aspects of the one-to-one relationship projected by Travelbee. One study by O’Connor, Wicker and Germino, which is nearly related to some of Travelbee’s ideas, discovers how individuals who were recently diagnosed with cancer described their personal search for meaning. The results of this study make known that the search for meaning seems to be both a spiritual and psychosocial process. The researchers acknowledged nursing interventions that would support this process. No other theory of Travelbee that would create further development is available.
Her ideas about hope, suffering, relationship and interpersonal rapport continue to inform the writings of nurse researchers in different parts of the world.